Sunday, March 25, 2007

Reasons Why I Decided MLM for a Career

All of us have various reasons for doing the jobs we do. Your reasons for that career choice could have come from a childhood dream or something you where excited about at a certain time in your life or something you fell into. What ever the reason, it was the right choice at the time of the decision.
Some of you are still travelling along life's journey thinking what the heck am I supposed to be doing here? Is this what I want for me? Can I see myself retiring doing the same job for the rest of my life. Can somebody help us............

My father always told me that money and success can only come from hard work and a ruthless aggression to be at the top. That was when I was nine, and at the time I had no idea what he was going on about. I thought he was talking about some imaginary force that you only got when you became a certain age like Luke Sky walker in Star Wars.

Now that I'm in my late twenties, the world is taking a new shape and direction the older I get, life seems to have made more sense alittle. Now as life becomes more directional the words my father spoke all those years ago come echoing back into my head. Use the force son, use the force.

After three interesting career choices I have finally found my calling. The longing to be part of something big, the longing to be able to be me and create something of legend. Something that I can look down at and call my own. A kingdom of followers who have the same vision as me.
That vision is Multi Level Marketing Success.

Ive only been in MLM since October 2007 and boy have I learnt a few things in that short period of time. The first is to be a keen observer. Watch what others do and try not to be just another failed number. Second, do something with the opportunity that is given to you. Don't just dordle in the direction you want to go, run, run like crazy.
And third, choose something that is going to make you feel like you have something that everybody needs and is going to benefit from.
There are more failed MLM'ers out there than you can point A stick at.
Why, because there was no leadership, no little birdie saying go this way, do that. Once people are in, they start to wonder, what they are in. How did I get here. What is it I am supposed to be doing.
I found myself saying those exact words. Doing those little mind altering thought processes that at the time we think is great, " why hasn't anyone thought of this before".
To utter discuss and desperation for anyone to come out of the fog and say "why you've done it, why hadn't I thought of that, jolly good job"

In this day of age we have become followers, lost souls, travelling along being part of something that has passed us by. Too lazy to grab anything in our own two hands and say ' This is my calling, I stand here today and proclaim the world is mine for the taking".

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